I’m a big fan of exa. It turns your boring directory listings into this:

You can find the package in your favourite package manager. Here are the two most common:
brew install exa # MacOS
sudo apt install exa # Ubuntu
You also need special fonts for the icons. You can get one of the Nerd Fonts. I’m using Meslo Nerd Font.
Setting exa as a default
It’s hard to change your habits so I recommend overriding the ls
command with exa. Put this into ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc so that every time you write ls, it will call exa instead and you get a beautiful directory listing.
alias ls="exa --color=auto --icons"
Bonus: Automatic ls when changing directories
The following snippet will automatically call ls
when you change directories. Handy!
function chpwd() {
emulate -L zsh
ls -a